Asociația unPi pentru Școlari

înregistrată la Judecătoria Târgoviște, Dâmbovița, RO prin certificat 22/I/A/2019; CIF 41680036

vreau unPi ✍🏼, să ajut 💰, să programez 🤖, voluntar 🦾 De ce? primești, asamblezi, conectezi, la 📺

Hi there, #

This project site is about helping unprivileged children from Romania to learn programming in Golang using a tailored programming course for children created by Ciprian Manea in the Romanian language.

Golang is a modern programming language invented at Google (by one of the creators of the C programming language). This language (Go) was designed from the get go to be simple to learn, safe to use, with built-in support for concurrency and multi platform.

In Computer Science engineering speak: concurrency is the capacity of a program to run inside a computer on all installed processors at the same time, and true multi platform means you write your program once, but then compile & use it on various computer types: from the very small like RPi, to tablets, laptops, desktops, up to room sized servers.

Why Romania? #

What are we gifting to a Romanian child? #

NOTE: the project is now oficially registered in Romania as a Non Profit / NGO named “Asociația unPi pentru Școlari” #

Best wishes,

Ciprian & co